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Refunds for deposits

If you cancel your trip after placing a deposit but before your card on file is charged for the full payment, you can request a full refund of your deposit up to 30 days before the tour departure.


Refunds for fully-paid trips

If you cancel your trip after making full payment, you may change or cancel your trip up to 30 days before the tour departure for a credit towards a future trip. You will receive a credit equivalent to 100% of your trip payment to be used anytime within the next 2 years from the date the credit note is issued.


A full credit will also be issued if the tour is canceled due to COVID-19 travel restrictions (see our COVID-19 guarantee on the tour itinerary page). We suggest buying your own travel insurance for coverage of cancellations within 30 days of the tour commencing for reasons other than a full tour cancellation.


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